Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Inspiring Quote of the Day by Neale Donald Walsch

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

...that not everything has to turn out exactly the way you

planned in order for you to call it a success.

Sometimes all God wants you to do is to "get the ball

rolling." Then, She'll take it from there. So when things

turn out other than the way you wanted them to, don't

be so quick to say, "Bummer!"

Many a Bummer is a Blessing in disguise. Consider the

possibility that life is magic...and that there's a rabbit

in that hat.

Isn't that fantastic? It just reminds us all to LET GO and Let Life. I have a personal issue with control and I get frustrated when things don't go as I envisioned but am slowly learning to go with the flow and to appreciate the beauty in all of life's "mishaps," which often enough turn out to be blessings in disguise.

Now, go out there and embrace life with all its ups and downs!

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